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Created added value, thanks to art and it multiple dimensions... be it cultural, aesthetic,

or a voice for our society . BE-Concepts gives art an innovative and seductive role.


  • Express your values through an artist

  • Associate his or her signature, or works
    to your  brand's image

  • Create a dialogue... Develop a new world

  • Capture, touche... Motivate, link, unite...


Wake up a brand and write a new chapter in its story



Donner une valeur ajoutée, grâce à l’art et ses multiples dimensions, culturelles, esthétiques et sociétales. BE-Concepts joue de l’art comme d’une arme de séduction qui fait mouche.


  • Exprimer des valeurs via un artiste  

  • Associer son nom, ses oeuvres à
    une image
    de marque  

  • Faire écho... Développer des univers  

  • Capter, toucher... Motiver, fédérer... Relier.


Réveiller une marque, écrire un nouveau chapitre de son histoire.

Hotel Lobby Decor Ideas

Hotel Lobby Decor Ideas

Humanity, nature...the spheres by Sylvie Montagnon create spectacular visual shows in original interior design projects.

Invitation with "art-design" drink

Invitation with "art-design" drink

Colomina & Corporate Identity

Colomina & Corporate Identity

Finding the right artist, and the right artwork to reflect a corporate image and philosophy

Christie + Co + Art !

Christie + Co + Art !

Imaginary cities by Nathalie Autour for Christie + Co annual public events event

Christie + Co + Art !

Christie + Co + Art !

Imaginary cities by Nathalie Autour for Christie + Co annual public events event

Parisian PopUp Boutique

Parisian PopUp Boutique

Sylvie Montagnon's Glass Art celebrates 30 years of career near Picasso Museum in the Marais



Incorporated artwork Sylvie Montagnon

Product Development

Product Development

New collection of Creative Glass painted Bell Jars by Sylvie Montagnon



NOBILIS GALLERY & Sylvie Montagnon

NOBILIS GALLERY & Sylvie Montagnon

In the heart of Saint Germain in Paris.

Art that smiles

Art that smiles

Jean-Philippe Elantkowski brings a touch of humanity with his sleeping face on the cover of a hotel chain brochure.

Cifuentes Art Invitation

Cifuentes Art Invitation

Colombian artist Cifuentes is highlighted in the yearly event at Christie + Co in Paris.

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